Learn to Mix Colors in Acrylic
Kay Brathol-Hostvet
Learning to
mix colors is one of the most daunting and frustrating experiences that painters face. How many times have you been unable
to make a particular color or have wasted lots of paint in the process? Knowing a few basics about paint composition, color
temperature and color theory helps immensely. This is strictly a hands-on workshop for those who have previous painting experience.
What you learn working with acrylic transfers to other painting mediums, but acrylic is required. Fri, March 28, 9-1
Late June - Preliminary Sept PDF (more to come)

Sumi-e painting |

Sumi-e painting |
Beginnings and Beyond Sue Beavers
Here's an opportunity to take your art, your painting to another level. But you won't have to try
to learn it all in a day, by investing a few morning hours during this 4 week class, you will share in Sue's passion for the
Japanese culture and learn the techniques of creating a sumi-e painting. Sumi-e means ink picture in Japanese and is composed
of 4 basic strokes. These strokes are said to represent all of the shapes and forms in the universe. They are
called the 4 gentlemen: Bamboo, Wild Orchid, Chrysanthemum and Plum Blossom. Sign up to learn more!
Tues June 4, 11, 18, 25 , 9 - noon
All four sessions $185/$15 materials fee, individual sessions @ $ 55/ $5 material
Sumi-e supply list

Summertime Watercolor |
Summertime Watercolor Sue
Create watercolor
paintings incorporating techniques, materials and an impressionistic spirit. Using simple brush strokes create beautiful
serene images. Weather allowing, you may also enjoy incorporating Plein Air during one
or more sessions. Open to all levels. Thurs June 6, 13, 20, 27 9 - noon All
four sessions $195/$20 materials fee, individual sessions @ $ 55/ $5 material
click here for supply list

encaustic |

encaustic |
Encaustics Bobbette Rose
Painting with wax is an ancient technique that has gained a growing contemporary revival. Learn
about the encaustic medium and method - from classical to the wildly experimental. This will be a great experience
for the beginner as well as a good review for the seasoned. There will be plenty of hands-on time as well as short
demos, examples and personal feedback throughout the day. This workshop is repeatable and open to all levels.
All supplies are included but you might like to bring your own special
papers, leaves, zerox and inkjet prints, drawings, stencils, stamps, threads and collage materials, etc.
Sat June 8 10 - 4:30 $120/$20 materials

Learn Perspective |
Drawing Skills
: Learn Perspective Kay
One of the most frustrating
challenges for beginner and intermediate artists is getting the perspective right in a drawing or painting. Our skills might
allow us to render a believable landscape or still life, but when we try to do an interior view of a room with furniture,
a street scene, boats lined up in a marina, or rows of crops in a field we realize that we don't know how to make it "look
right." This workshop will show you the "secrets" of linear perspective. We'll also look at point-of-view,
from "birds-eye" to "worms-eye" which you can utilize to create more drama in your artworks, and we'll
learn about atmospheric perspective and other techniques that help create the illusion of depth on a 2D surface. You will
create several drawings in class to reinforce what you learn from the lecture, numerous handouts, and demonstrations, with
a focus on process over product. Sun June 9 10 - 4:30 $100/$5 materials
click here for supply list
Letterpress Portfolio Jackie Hefty
Utilizing a large assortment of stock printer's
blocks (line images, old advertisements and the like) as a starting point, we will brain storm quirky or quaint captions as
we collaborate on a portfolio of letterpress printed papers (mini broadsides) housed in a simple portfolio. You will
need to bring a sense of humor and cooperative attitude. No letterpress experience necessary. Oil based printing inks.
Material fee covers inks, papers and portfolio. Basic supply of art materials will be determi,ed by individuals. Tues June 11, 18, 25, July 2 1-4
Collographs: Intro to Mixed Media Printmaking
Jackie Hefty
Collographs incorporate aspects of relief and intaglio printmaking, additive and subtractive methods of working,
all in an intriguing mixed media approach to plate-making. Everyday objects (cardboard, lace, washers, yarn) are transformed
into textural elements enhancing your unique prints. Take an individualized approach in what can be either objective or non-objective
subject matter. Concentrating on water based printing. 4 wks@3 hrs, 1-4 Thurs June 6, 13, 20, 27
Held in conjunction with UW Continuing Studies.Registration is through
UW, see link below.

UW Continuing Ed Logo |
Link to UW Continuing Studies website

Color My Workd pan pastel on photo |
Color my World Mini Workshop NEW! Edna Kunkel
This workshop explores the application of powder-based PanPastels on black-and-white photographs to enable creative
use of color without any drawing or painting experience. If you can apply eye shadow or have ever used a coloring book, this
workshop will bring back a more colorful you. Or, if you're a traditional pastel artist and want to try this medium to shake
out the cobwebs, you'll enjoy this very different approach. Instructor will provide all materials (80-color PanPastel palette,
Sofft applicator tools, black-and-white photos, fixatives). Sat June
15 1-4:30 $60/$7 materials

Sumi-e painting |
Journaling Pages (text &/or image) Sue Beavers
Susan uses music, art and writing to tap into emotions. Feelings are expressed within a safe and contained environment
through listening to music and drawing. Using the non-dominant hand, the creative, spiritual, feeling part of the brain is
accessed to help explore and better understand yourself and your emotions. Through creativity, the soul instinctively heals
itself. No artistic talent is required. The non-dominant hand exercises enable the intuitive, creative,
spiritual problem solving side of the brain to be accessed. Minimal supplies, 8x10 sketch book or journal
with unlined paper and a set of 12 markers. Wed June
19, 9 - noon $45

Intro to Soft Pastels |
Introduction to Painting in Soft Pastel
Kay Brathol-Hostvet
Many students "fall in love" with pastels after taking this comprehensive workshop! Soft pastels are fun
to use, colorful, versatile, immediate, and very expressive. You'll be introduced to this fascinating dry painting medium
through lecture, demos and a variety of exercises on different papers, completing three different works in one day.
Saturday, June 22 9-4 $100/7 materials
click here for supply list

spring plein air |
Spring Plein Air Painting in Soft Pastel
Kay Brathol-Hostvet
Pastel is perfect
for depicting the various textures and colors of the landscape and is a very portable medium so it is ideal for plein
air painting-working directly from nature. You'll complete two or three small works on different papers, provided by
the instructor. A supply list will be sent to you. Previous experience in soft (chalk-like) pastel is highly recommended,
but beginners with good drawing skills are welcome. Consider making it full weekend by taking both pastel workshops. Sun, June 23 10-5
$100/$5 materials
click here for supply list

Selection of book structures completed |
Basic Book Structures Jackie Hefty
In this four-week class you can develop a
portfolio of book structures to use for journals, one-of-a-kind books, or gifts. Explore choosing, folding, tearing, and
cutting paper and learn basic sewing and gluing techniques to create a selection of unique books with minimal supplies.
We encourage adding embellishments and personal memorabilia. Minimal supplies are necessary to make beautiful books. No experience
necessary. Mon June 24, July 1,8,15 evenings 6-9 $175/$15 materials
Bookmaking Basic Supply List

Fun with Acrylic |

Fun with Acrylic |
Fun with Acrylic Paint
Kay Brathol-Hostvet
Acrylic paint is one of the most versatile of art mediums! Come play with color and learn a bit about handling this
water-solvent paint in this three-hour workshop. All supplies are provided; no art experience necessary. For a finished work
of art to keep or give as a gift, consider taking the afternoon workshop, too!
Wed, June 26, 9-12 $65 or both for
Acrylic Mini workshop information

Itty Bitty Acrylics 2 |

Itty Bitty Acrylics 2 |
Itty Bitty Acrylics
Kay Brathol-Hostvet
Colorful arylic paint is one of the most versatile
of art mediums! We'll be making tiny paintings-your choice of either abstract or representational-on small canvases in this
three-hour workshop. A tiny easel to display your masterpiece is included. All supplies are provided; no art experience necessary.
Extra canvases and easels available at retail cost. For a warm-up to acrylic and a day of colorful fun, consider taking the
morning workshop, too! Wed,
June 26, 1-4 $65 or both
for $120
Acrylic Mini workshop information