Intro to Acrylic |
Introduction to Acrylic Painting
Kay Brathol-Hostvet
Fast-drying, low-odor acrylic is a versatile painting medium! The focus of this workshop will be on learning to mix
colors, using mediums, and learning basic painting techniques through practice exercises and a final project. Several short,
useful exercises will help you understand paint-handling and basic color theory before you begin a painting from a still life
or your own photographic references (your choice). Sat/Sun,
March 2 & 3 9-4 Sat, 10-5 Sun Held in conjunction with UW Continuing Studies.
Registration is handled by UW, please
see link below.

UW Continuing Ed Logo |
Link to UW Continuing Studies website

Decorative Paper Tehnique - Pochoir |

Decorative Paper Tehnique - Pochoir |

Decorative Paper Tehnique - Pochoir |
Pochoir Stencils (French Stencil technique) Mini Workshop Jackie
Pochoir stencils may find their way
as book images, decorative paper designs, scrapbooking and/or greeting cards. A terrific alternative
to screen printing and a great way to utilize some less expensive pastels. Simplified images and designs work best as you learn the basics. A good cutting matt and x-acto knife will be necessary. Minimal supply list.
Tues March 5 1-4 $40/$5 materials

Mixing Acrylics |
Fun with Oil Pastels and Craypas Mini Workshop Kay
Remember how fun it was to color in your coloring books? This relaxing little workshop lets "grown-up
kids" explore the oil pastel medium through several colorful, imaginative exercises without the financial commitment
of having to buy oil pastels and paper. All supplies provided, no art or drawing experience necessary!
Fri March 8, 9 - noon $60

Fun with Graphite
Mini Workshop Kay Brathol-Hostvet
There is a simplicity to
graphite that most of us admire, from doodles using an ordinary #2 pencil to super realism done with pencils
ranging from very hard to very soft "leads." We'll play with various types of graphite pencils and manipulate
graphite powder in a range of fun projects. You'll learn a whole lot about erasers as tools, too. All supplies provided, no drawing experience necessary! Fri March 8, 1 - 4, $60.

encaustic |

encaustic |

studio set up |
Encaustics Bobbette Rose
Painting with wax is an ancient technique that has gained a growing contemporary revival. Learn
about the encaustic medium and method - from classical to the wildly experimental. This will be a great experience
for the beginner as well as a good review for the seasoned. There will be plenty of hands-on time as well as short
demos, examples and personal feedback throughout the day.
supplies are included but you might like to bring your own special papers, leaves, zerox and inkjet prints, drawings,
stencils, stamps, threads and collage materials, etc. Sat Mar 16 10 - 4:30
$120/$20 materials

Paired Needle Binding |

Paired Needle Binding |
Book Structures: Paired Needle Binding Jackie Hefty
It just sounds difficult, not really so hard, but it gives you bragging rights! You will be sure to impress your
friends or family with your bookmaking skills when you show them this creation. An exposed stitching design on the spine of
the book resembles a herringbone pattern. This book is designed to lie flat when open which allows for ease in drawing
or writing. Makes a great gift! Previous book making is recommended, but not required. Minimal supplies are necessary to continue
making beautiful books at home. Class sizes are limited. All materials needed are included but suggestions for personal embellishments
are provided in the supply list. Sat & Sun Mar 23, 24 1 - 4
$65/$10 materials
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