a Retreat
to Nature for the
Creative Mind

Calligraphy |

Calligraphy |
Give Cursive a Chance
New! 3 half-day workshops Edna Kunkel
Calligraphy, literally meaning "beautiful writing", quickly is
becoming a lost art and means for relaxation. You will have a chance to test broad pens in the form of markers, cartridge-type
fountain pens, and nibbed pens, and have a chance to work in the richest black ink and embellish it with brilliant colors.
Here, you will see the simple slanted Cursive hand, learn when to push and pull, create thick and thin strokes that live inside
the writing tool, and learn to use templates to transform your everyday writing tasks from a chore to a joy. Instructor will
provide calligraphy markers, cartridge pens, and nibbed pens to test for both right- and left-handed writers, as well as papers,
inks, and sundry supplies for first class. Supply list to be provided. Friday
May 3, 10, 17 1-4 $95/ $5 materials

metallic elements in collage |

metallic embellishments |

metallic etchings |
Creating Metallic Elements for Collage and Mixed Media Jacqueline
Sullivan NEW and Exclusive "creating metallic elements for collage and
mixed media". Jacqueline is returning, this time to share her wizardry
in working with metallics. Included will be
metal etching, patinas and rusting as well as aluminum foil and some gilding. Great fun and something completely
different. No experience necessary, great for many diverse, unique, and creative applications.
Sat and Sun May 4/5 10 - 4:30
$275/20 materials
Intro: Simple Screen Printing Jackie Hefty Join us as we approach Screen Printing on a shoe-string budget. Make
your own small screen with thrift store materials. Explore water-based printing with a variety of simple screen resists. Learn
to print images or visual textures (i.e. representational or not) on paper or fabric. No screen printing experience necessary.
We will not be production printing t-shirts.
Wed May 15, 22, 29, & June 5 6-9

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shades of gray - value study |

value study |
Shades of Gray: The
Value of Value Kay Brathol-Hostvet
Value, the relative lightness or darkness of a color or as a scale of varying
shades of gray, is the most important element of design. Learn how to create and discern values in this informative workshop!
We'll create value charts (gray scales) in several mediums, convert color tones to white-gray-black values, and learn
how to visually balance a work by value. This valuable workshop is appropriate for all skill levels! Many materials
provided. Sat May 18 9-4 $95/$10 materials

Pastel |
click here for suppy list
Intro to Soft Pastels
Kay Brathol-Hostvet
Introduction to Soft Pastel Many students "fall
in love" with pastels after taking this comprehensive workshop! Soft pastels are fun to use, colorful, versatile,
immediate, and very expressive. You'll be introduced to this fascinating dry painting medium through
lecture, demos and a variety of exercises from life and photos on different papers, completing three very
different works in a day. Held in conjunction with
UW Continuing Studies, registration is through UW, see link below. Sun May 19 10-5

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pounded flower designs |
Pounded Flowers Nancy
Welch Come hammer flower petals and leaves onto fabric and paper for the most beautiful
and colorful transfers. You can make them into note cards, book marks or framed art by using the original art or make color
copies. We will also scan the art and use special transfers for permanent art onto fabric. No art background needed, just
come create. Bring a metal hammer, a small smooth board, ear plugs and something fabric to complete your iron transfer. Held
in conjunction with UW Continuing Studies, registration is through UW, see link below. $20 material fee to be paid to instrutor.
Fri May 31, 1-5

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